Joint actions are generated purely by the given believe and intention
bases of the actors and by 'empirical' procedures of choice of actions.
Actions are represented by PROLOG facts. Different systems of actions emerge
from different believe bases. Realistically group structures could be
Hofmann, S. 2009: Dynamik sozialer Praktiken: Simulation gemeinsamer Unternehmungen von Frauengruppen,
Wiesbaden, VS Research.
Hofmann, S. 2002. The Social Practice of a Woman's Group: A First Simulation.
In: Meggle, G.
(ed.). Social Facts and
Collective Intentionality, 151-165, Frankfurt/Main.
Two PROLOG programmes come from psychological well-known group preference systems. The interpretations of the preferences are determined by
empirical questionnaires, for instance 'I like X'.
Manhart, K. 1995. KI-Modelle in den Sozialwissenschaften, Oldenbourg
Verlag, München.