Simulating Crises
Our action-type based macro model for crises was developed during 1989-92.
The actors here are states or groups. The goals of the actors are partly
inconsistent. This leads to plans which cannot fully satisfied. The updates
of plans can sharpen the tension or soften it. A formal
algorithm is available, but not implemented.
A first simulation programme for political crises based on our crises model
was written by D. Will. This PROLOG programme uses action-types, plans, conflicting plans, planning cones and goals.
Will, D. 2000. Krisensimulation mit abstrakten Handlungstypen: Ein neuer, methodischer Ansatz. Dissertation, University of
Balzer, W. 1996. A Theory of Binary Crises, in: R.K.Huber and R.Avenhaus
Models for Security Policy in the Post-Cold
War Era, Baden Baden: Nomos, 233-52.
Balzer, W. and Sander, J. 1999. Towards the Qualitative, Plan-Based Simulation of
International Crises,
European Journal of
Operational Research 116, 461-76, and
Sander, J. 1993. Theoretische Grundlagen für rechnergestützte Krisensimulation und -Beratung, Forschungsberichte aus
dem Institut für Statistik und Wissenschaftstheorie der Üniversität München, Nr. 44.